Product guide user events


Event type

We send a custom event to the window object, it looks like this:

type CustomEventType =
  | 'init'
  | 'load_more_products'
  | 'restart'
  | 'skip'
  | 'undo'
  | 'option'
  | 'form'
  | 'form_email'
  | 'form_phone'
  | 'form_other'
  | 'prod_click'
  | 'recommendation_receive'
  | 'view'
  | 'placement_load'
  | 'placement_view'
  | 'modal_cta_click'
  | 'flag_click'
  | 'split_click';

type CustomEvent<T extends CustomEventType = CustomEventType> = { type: T;
  stepId?: string;
  productGuideId?: string;
  placementId?: string } & (
  T extends 'skip'
  ? { type: 'skip'; value: { from: string } }
  : T extends 'undo'
  ? { type: 'undo'; value: { to: string } }
  : T extends 'option'
  ? { type: 'option'; value: { options: { uuid: string; title: string }[]; clicked: string[] } }
  : T extends 'prod_click'
  ? { type: 'prod_click'; value: { name: string; pid: string; resultName: string; suuid: string } }
  : T extends 'recommendation_receive'
  ? { type: 'recommendation_receive'; value: { prodCount: number; name: string; productIds: string[] } }
  : T extends 'view'
  ? { type: 'view'; value: { name: string } }
  : T extends 'form_email'
  ? { type: 'form_email'; value: string }
  : T extends 'form_phone'
  ? { type: 'form_phone'; value: string }
  : T extends 'form_other'
  ? { type: 'form_other'; value: Record<string, string | number | boolean> }
  : T extends 'form'
  ? { type: 'form'; value: Record<string, string | number | boolean> & { email?: string; phone?: string } }
  : { type: T });

How to use

We send a custom event to the window object called ebbot_widget_event. You need to add an event listener to your window object to use the event. It should look something like this:

const ebbotEventHandler = (event) => {
  // Extract "detail" from the "event"
  // "detail" is the type specified above
  const { detail } = event;
  /* Your logic here */

window.addEventListener("ebbot_widget_event", ebbotEventHandler);

window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => {
  window.removeEventListener("ebbot_widget_event", ebbotEventHandler);


The recommendation_receive event will not send the complete products, but only the IDs. If you want more information on the product it's recommended to use the event stream described on Received events page.

The name variable is generally the name of the step or option given in the guide builder.

Last updated